UCCS CS 2160 Comp Org & Assembly Language

Spring 2025; Monday, Wednesday 4:45PM-6:00PM; Cybersecurity A-107

General Information


Xi Tan, Assistant Professor
E-mail: xtan4@uccs.edu
Homepage: link
M/W 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM or by appointment. Student hours can be held in person, or via Teams.
Loc: Cybersecurity Center, 120J

Teaching Assistant

Office hours: By appointment


Provides an introduction to the concepts of computer architecture, functional logic, design and computer arithmetic. It presents material on the mechanics of information transfer and control within a computer system. Also included are: symbolic programming techniques, implementing high level control structures, addressing modes and their relation to arrays, subprograms, parameters, linkage to high level languages and the assembly process.
Prer., CS 1450 or GDD 2200 with a grade of "C" or better; CS 2060 with a grade of "C" or better.

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Due Assigned Activities and Readings
Week-1 Class-1 1/20 === No class ===
Week-1 Class-2 1/22 Course Intro: Computer Systems COD Chapter 1
Week-2 Class-1 1/27 From C to Asm: add and sub H1
Week-2 Class-2 1/29 From C to Asm: load and store
Week-3 Class-1 2/3 From C to Asm. Arrays and loops H1 H2
Week-3 Class-2 2/5 Logical Ops and Control Flow COD Chapter 2
Week-4 Class-1 2/10 Memory Ops and Addressing Modes H2 P1
Week-4 Class-2 2/12 Procedures and the Call Stack
Week-5 Class-1 2/17 Intro to Performance and Security
Week-5 Class-2 2/19 Data Representation: Integers
Week-6 Class-1 2/24 Data Representation: Instructions H3
Week-6 Class-2 2/26 Data Representation: Strings P1 P2
Week-7 Class-1 3/03 Data Representation: Floating Point H3 H4
Week-7 Class-2 3/05 Integer Arithmetic: Addition
Week-8 Class-1 3/10 Integer Arithmetic: Multiplication H4 COD Chapter 3
Week-8 Class-2 3/12 *** Midterm Review ***
Week-9 Class-1 3/17 *** Midterm Exam *** Cyber - A107
Week-9 Class-2 3/19 Integer Arithmetic: Division H5
Week-10 Class-1 3/24 === Spring Break No class ===
Week-10 Class-2 3/26 === Spring Break No class ===
Week-11 Class-1 3/31 Floating Point Arithmetic
Week-11 Class-2 4/02 Boolean Algebra P2 P3
Week-12 Class-1 4/07 Combinational Logic H5 H6 COD Appendix A
Week-12 Class-2 4/09 Boolean-to-Digital Logic
Week-13 Class-1 4/14 Clocking and Sequential Logic H6 H7
Week-13 Class-2 4/16 Registers and SRAM
Week-14 Class-1 4/21 Finite State Machines H7 H8 COD Appendix C
Week-14 Class-2 4/23 Control Logic
Week-15 Class-1 4/28 Constructing an ALU H8
Week-15 Class-2 4/30 Fast Adder ALU
Week-16 Class-1 5/05 Final Project Presentations P3
Week-16 Class-2 5/07 *** Final Exam Review ***
Week-17 Class-1 5/12 === Finals Week No class ===
Final Exam 5/14 5:20PM-7:20PM *** Final Exam *** Cyber - A107


Required textbook:


Some of the resources were borrowed from Prof. Gedare Bloom.